Live Art Experiences for Weddings, Events, and Fundraisers
Transform your event with unforgettable live painting moments.
Live Art
Experience unforgettable live painting at your special events.
Capturing love stories through live painting at weddings.
Corporate Events
Enhancing corporate gatherings with unique live art experiences.
Creating memorable art pieces to support your cause.
Private Events
Bringing artistry to your private celebrations and gatherings.
Live Art
Experience the magic of live painting at your event, creating unforgettable memories for you and your guests.
Unique Artistic Experience
Transform your event with captivating live art that engages and inspires everyone present.
"Katy is amazing. She made our painting exactly how we asked, even better than I had hoped for."
Taylor M.
Creating Unforgettable Live Art Experiences
At Cusano Fine Art, I bring your events to life with captivating live painting, making weddings, corporate events, and fundraisers truly unforgettable. Let's create something special together.
Kate is amazing! Very professional and her eye for detail is truly incredible!"
Meg D.